Best Interview Questions for Clients to Ask

26 July 2017 Megan Swan


Interviewing future employees is an important part of your role but how can you get the most out of your interviews?

It may be time to move away from the old school interview questions we are all used to hearing, such as "What are your strengths and weaknesses?". By asking behavioural based questions, you will be able to gain a deeper insight into how your future candidate works.

Here are our top questions you should now be asking:

  • What has been your biggest achievement in your career or your current job? Why was it such an achievement and how did you do it?
  • How do you judge your own success at work? Tell me about a time you have been unhappy with your success and why?
  • Who has been your favourite manager and why? Tell me about their management style and what you liked most about their approach.
  • Which job from your CV have you enjoyed the most and why?
  • Tell me how you work as part of a team and what you contribute on a constant basis that keeps a team functioning well.
  • Tell me about a time when you were given a job to do that you didn’t really understand – did you get it done and how?
  • What has been the most difficult part of your current role?
  • Tell me how you cope with someone who is very upset, agitated and angry? Give an example of how you managed to appease the situation?
  • Talk me through a really difficult situation at work with a colleague and how you handled it?

By asking a selection of the above questions you will be able to gain a better insight into how your potential candidate will relate to both you and your team, as well as how best to manage them.

So, before your next interview think about the skills and attributes that are really important to the role, then make sure you ask the right questions to get as much relevant information as you can.