How to become an Employee of Choice

17 September 2020 Jacqui Barnes

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​When looking for a new position, you want to make sure you are showing yourself in the best possible light to potential new employers, so that you are their first choice when it comes to hiring.

Here are 5 simple ways that you can make sure you stand out in the right way when you are:

Be Positive and Promote Yourself - Employers are looking for optimistic and positive applicants because they will bring that mindset to the job with them. Make sure that you promote your qualifications and skills for the role without being overbearing or arrogant. Share examples of how you have succeeded in prior positions to help show why you are the right person for the job.

Be Honest – don’t leave any roles off your CV or lie about reasons for leaving. Honesty is absolutely ALWAYS the best policy

Show Commitment - Tenure in a role is important. If you move jobs every 6-12 months it doesn’t sit well with businesses and it can show lack of commitment and loyalty. However, if you have had to change roles, make sure you have clear explanations as to why

Be Flexible – especially given the current situation, employers are having to review every single position in their business and ensure the right decisions are being made – this may mean a slower hiring process, variations to roles such as a senior position having a couple more menial tasks short term, or a revision of salaries.

Check your Social Media & Online presence – those hilarious photos you took Saturday night or the troll comments you left aren’t going to show you in the most professional light. If you don’t want to delete things like this, ensure at the very least you have your profile set to private.

Above all else, demonstrate your engaging personality, be reliable, communicate well during the hiring process and show your commitment to your career.