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  • Why you shouldn’t wait until January for a new job!

    I know so many people who say that their New Years' resolution is to look for a new job. But, why wait until the 1st January 2020 to decide on it - it's best to decide and get looking now!  Many employers wait until the end of the year to really focus on finding new team members for 2020 and ideally they would love for you to start in the New Year when you are fresh fro...

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  • 6 steps to a successful career change

    Making a career change can be a daunting experience. But gone are the days when most of the workforce stayed in the one stable job for decades. In Australia, 57% of people have made a career change before; 19% have done so in the last twelve months. So, how did they do it?  1. Self-assessment.  A good place to start is with an honest self-assessment. Changing careers can...

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    Career Change