How to know when you have outgrown your job

26 February 2019 Virginia Brookes


It happens to us all at some point in our work life, you have that moment where you feel like you are hitting a ceiling and you no longer fit into a role you once loved and felt you had room to grow with. This is a totally normal feeling and recognising the signs and doing something about the way you feel before your employer notices is crucial. Below Resolver have put together our top five signs to look out for when you feel you may have out grown your current job;

Decreased engagement: Your interest in working harder and giving everything to your role or the task at hand is no longer there and you feel yourself being distracted easily.

You’re too good: You have learnt everything and feel you are no longer actively learning new things or having your skill set challenged.

Clock watching: If you sit and count the minutes pass by and wait for milestones like lunch breaks or an opportunity to duck out to the shops this is a huge sign that you are no longer interested in your work.

Your body says so: You look tired, run down and are feeling out of balance. Your body normally picks up on things first and you will notice a change in sleep patterns, loss of appetite or even headaches. Listen to your body you might need to take some time off to rebalance.

Helping others: You end up spending your time helping others so you can avoid being at your desk as it seems more interesting than your own work.

If it is time to move on take the time to do so and consider all of your options, google companies you admire, check out their social media presence and what it looks like to work there, think about what your next role needs to have and what things you still love doing day to day. Where could you challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Once you have gathered the answers to these questions then you can start mapping out a plan for what your next role should be. The team at Resolver Recruitment are experts in helping you navigate your next career move so don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team today.